How to cleanse, charge & programme crystals

06 October 2019

So you've got yourself a lovely new shiny collection of magical crystals, but you have no idea how to care for them, use them and ensure that they work for you... Read on to find out THE CRYSTAL CODE!!!

All crystals & crystal jewellery need to be cleansed regularly because they absorb energy and influences like sponges and will store negative energy. They need to be energetically cleared to be able to work at their highest vibration.  Crystals are cleansed by your intention and visualisation, whilst doing the following options depending upon the crystals which you are cleansing.

Ways to CLEANSE your Crystals.

WATER ~ Some crystals can’t be cleansed in water as they will dissolve the hardier ones are ok. Let the crystals be cleansed by the water flowing over them as well as visualising them returning to their full power.

SALT ~ Submerge your crystals in a bowl of salt to cleanse them.

EARTH ~ Bury your crystals in soil from the earth either in the garden or in a pot for 24 hours.

OTHER CRYSTALS ~ You can place your crystal onto a piece of Selenite Crystal, as this is a self-cleansing crystal and helps to clear away the negative build-up of energy.

Amethyst and Clear Quartz are also great crystals for cleansing other crystals too.

PENDULUM ~ Use a pendulum to cleanse your crystals ensuring that the pendulum is also cleansed.  Clear Quartz and Amethyst would be a good choice for the crystal pendulum.

SMUDGING ~ Pass your crystals through a burning candle flame, use smoke from an incense stick, burn herbs, Sage or Palo Santo and pass the smoking wands over the crystals in a circular motion upwards to remove the negative energy from the crystals.

SOUND ~ Use the vibration of sound to cleanse your crystals. singing bowls, tuning forks or tingsha bells.

MOON ~ Leave your crystals bathing in the moonlight overnight on a Full or New moon to cleanse.

FEATHER ~ Use a feather to smudge the crystal with clearing all the negative energy.

SACRED BREATH OR CHANTING ~ Using your sacred breath and intention to blow away all the negative energy away.  Take a deep breath in and blow deeply towards the crystal as you visualise it being cleared of all the dense energy. Or using the sound of your voice to chant and clear the energy away.

ENERGY ~ Ask the power of the energy of the universe to channel down and cleanse the crystal with its pure white light and clear the crystal.

VISUALISATION ~ A way to cleanse your crystals by just visualising and setting your intention is a simple way which will work for all crystals.

Place your crystal in front of you on a clean surface.  Simply imagine a stream of pure flowing water running through the crystal, deeply clearing and purifying its energy leaving it gleaming and full of amazing energy ready to be used. Do this for as long as you feel in necessary.

How to CHARGE your Crystals.

After cleansing your crystals you will need to charge them up again with positive energy after the negative energy has been removed from them. There are a couple of ways which I use regularly to give them back their positive energy and to bring them up to their highest vibration ready for their new programme.

WATER ~ Can both cleanse and energise at the same time.

SUNLIGHT ~ Put them outside to bathe in the moonlight or sunlight, being careful that they will not fade in the sunlight.

SOUND ~ Use sound vibrations, sound bowl, tingsha bells, or tuning forks.  These are my favourite sound healing method. I use 432 HZ as it’s the sound of the Universe and I always feel like the crystals are fully energised ready for use again after using this method of sound healing.

COPPER PYRAMID ~ Place your crystals within a copper pyramid where their energy will be restored to its fullest potential.

QUARTZ OR AMETHYST CRYSTAL CLUSTER ~ Place them on top of one of these crystals and let their energy recharge from the points of power from these self-charging crystals.

HOLDING THEM & GIVING THEM ENERGY HEALING ~ Hold them to your heart centre and using all of your loving energy charge them with love and light energy to bring them back to a positive flow.

How to PROGRAMME your Crystals.

The way I programme crystals is unique to me.  I always say there is no right or wrong way to do anything and will always advise that you do what feels right for you…

I hold the crystal which I wish to programme in cupped hands in a prayer position and then hold it to my heart centre. (Heart Chakra) I will then close my eyes and say a little prayer or affirmation, something like this…

I am so grateful for your beautiful energy to help me with... (Whatever it is you wish the crystal to help you with) followed by visualising the crystal encased in a pure white light.  (You’re affirming that you are grateful for its amazing energy and you are sending it love and light.)

See it glowing, feel its amazing energy knowing that it will help with what you have set your intention for it.

When you are finished with your prayer / affirmation say… And so it is so. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 

Your crystal has now been set with your intention and programmed for the healing it needs to help with.

How to DE-PROGRAMME your Crystals.

If you have programmed a crystal for a specific purpose you can remove this at any time. De-programming is just clearing old programs and intentions from your crystals.

Why would I need to deprogram a Crystal I hear you say...?

Well when you no longer need the crystal to work for the specific reason, because it has done its job which you've set it to help you with. You may have achieved what it was you selected the crystal for. Or your desires have changed and you want to use the crystal for another purpose.

STEP 1 ~ Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
STEP 2 ~ Cleanse your crystal in your preferred way.
STEP 3 ~ Take your crystal in both hands and hold it to your heart centre.
STEP 4 ~ While focusing on your crystal say the following or similar words out loud or in your head...

“I am so grateful for the energy which this crystal has helped me with. I am now cancelling, clearing and deleting this crystal of all previous programs now”

Your crystal will now be ready for its new programme and intention to be set.

How to cleanse, charge & programme crystals